Friday, May 22, 2020

RFCrack Release - A Software Defined Radio Attack Tool

RFCrack uses the following hardware with RFCat libraries:
YardStick One:

I decided to cleanup my RF testing harness and release it as a tool named RFCrack
Mostly because it has been pain to set up use-case scenarios from scratch for every device I am testing. Rather then release a tool no one knows how to use. The below video will be a quick but comprehensive tutorial to get you started If you've been following the blogs, this will greatly simplify your testing, in the following ways:
  • RFCrack handles all of your data conversions. 
  • It allows you to capture, replay and save payloads for use anytime 
  • It will handle rolling code bypass attacks on your devices. 
  • You can jam frequencies and fuzz specific values 
  • It will also allow you to scan specific frequencies in discovery mode or incrementally probe them 
  • RFCrack will hopefully have keyless entry & engine bypass support in the near future

This is the first release, everything works as intended but there will be plenty of updates as I continue to do research and find reasons to add features needed for testing. I am still making changes and making it more flexible with modifiable values and restructuring code.  If you have any legitimate use case scenarios or need a specific value to be modifiable, hit me up and I will do my best to update between research, if its a legitimate use case.

You can reach me at:
Twitter: @Ficti0n ,

GitHub Code for RFCrack:

Full RF Hacking Course in Development:

Not all of the attacks in the tool have been covered in the RF hacking blog series and a few more are in research mode, as such, not yet added to the tool but will probably be covered in a full length online class on Hacking with RF which includes all targets and equipment.  Send an email to info(at) if your interested.

Walkthrough Training Video:

Until Next time: 

Cheers, and enjoy the tool for your personal use testing devices, feedback and bug reports are appreciated.  I have another RF blog coming out shortly based on my friends research into hacking garages/gates and creating keyfobs.  I will post when its ready. 

Related links

Piratas Informáticos Éticos Certificados (PIEC) "For Hire"

Si ayer os hablaba de una web que ofrecía servicios de espiar WhatsApp, cambiar notas de la universidad, hackear Facebook en un minuto, y demás servicios profesionales de hacking, hoy os traigo otra empresa de Piratas Informáticos Éticos Certificados a los que podemos llamar (PIEC) que también están al servicio del mejor postor. Lo curioso es que, a pesar de tener otro aspecto y otros contenidos, el correo electrónico de contacto es exactamente el mismo correo de Gmail.

Figura 1: Piratas Informáticos Éticos Certificados (PIEC) "for Hire"

La web es un calco a la que vimos ayer, con similitudes en el mensaje de Hackers for Hire en España que son muy profesionales. Se hace hincapié en el mensaje de "Profesionales" porque seguro que has oido de mucha gente que ha sido estafada utilizando estos servicios "No vayas a pensar que aquí te van a estafar", que la respuesta es que: Más que probablemente sí.

Figura 2: Hackers Éticos e Investigadores Privados a su servicio

Los servicios que se ofrecen son los que supones. Espiar WhatsApp, hackear Instagram, hackear Facebook, cambiar notas de universidades, quitar multas, etcétera. 

Figura 3: Por qué somos los mejores

Más o menos con el tipo de mensajes que me suelen llegar a mí demandando este tipo de servicios. Como en la web de ayer, también tenemos testimonios de clientes satisfechos con el servicio. No vayas a pensar que pagas por un mal servicio. Son Piratas Informáticos Éticos Certificados.

View this post on Instagram

De ayer mismo.... que pesados }:S

A post shared by Chema Alonso (@chemaalonso) on

Entre los testimonios de clientes satisfechos está el de Carlos Pastrana contándole a todo el mundo que su mujer le engañaba y le era infiel, pero que gracias a este servicio de hackers profesionales - no sé si discretos - ya lo ha descubierto él y todo Internet. Y también Willians Miria que necesitaba unos hackers para piratear una web y que aquí le atendieron de maravilla.

Figura 5: Nuestros clientes

Por supuesto, con utilizar un poco el Hacking con Buscadores y tirar de Google Images vemos que la foto de Carlos Pastrana es de un modelo nórdico utilizado en múltiples sitios de la red, que dudo mucho que sea uno de los clientes de Hacking en España. 

Figura 6: Hacking con Buscadores -
 Google, Bing, Shodan & Robtex - 3ª Edición

Me llama la atención que no se han molestado mucho en buscar o utilizar fotos de "This Person Does Not Exist" que dificultaría un poco más la búsqueda, pero está claro que esta web no está pensada para aguantar un análisis profundo, sino un que va dirigida a un público no tecnológico que está deseoso de estos servicios.

Figura 7: La foto de "Carlos Pastrana" es de un modelo

Y el caso de Willians Miria es más peculiar, ya que es un emprendedor del mundo tecnológico que tiene hasta una empresa, y que es igualmente fácil de localizar con hacer una búsqueda por imágenes en Google

Figura 8: La foo de Willians es robada de un perfil

Por último, hay que remarcar la zona de contactos. Mientras que en la cabecera tenemos el correo admin del dominio como forma de contacto, y un horario de servicios muy hacker de 6 A.M. a 11 P.M., como podemos ver en la Figura 2, en la zona de contactos vemos el mismo correo electrónico Gmail que había en la web de ayer, un  número de teléfono con un prefijo que seguro que no es de Madrid, ni de Barcelona, y un FAX afortunado, que le ha tocado el 1234567 del mismo prefijo de esa ciudad 977.

Figura 9: Contacto de eta web

Por supuesto, todos lo iconos de Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, etcétera que aparecen la web no funcionan y no apuntan a ningún sitio. Es decir, la misma estafa de ayer para recoger dinero de todos esos que van por la vereda de Internet pidiendo a gritos meterse en líos. Ten cuidado con tu vida digital, como os he dicho muchas veces.

Saludos Malignos!

Autor: Chema Alonso (Contactar con Chema Alonso)

Read more

  1. Ethical Hacking Course
  2. Como Ser Hacker
  3. Hacking Ético
  4. Hacking Web
  5. Ethical Hacking
  6. Escuela De Hacking
  7. Bluetooth Hacking
  8. Travel Hacking
  9. Best Hacking Games
  10. Como Hacer Hacker
  11. Sean Ellis Hacking Growth
  12. El Mejor Hacker
  13. Hacking Gif
  14. El Mejor Hacker
  15. Curso Ethical Hacking

Thursday, May 21, 2020

APT Calypso RAT, Flying Dutchman Samples


 Attackers exploit Windows SMB vulnerability CVE-2017-0143 or use stolen credentials to gain access, deploy the custom Calypso RAT and use it to upload other tools such as Mimikatz, EternalBlue and EternalRomance. They move laterally and steal data.


             Other malware


MD5SHA256SHA1FilenameFile TyeeStage
aa1cf5791a60d56f7ae6da9bb1e7f01ed5afa3bfd423ba060207ad025467feaa56ac53d13616ac8782a7f63c9fc0fdb4bdd8b9115d1ae536d0ea1e62052485e5ad10761fMPSSVC.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Payload
1e765fed294a7ad082169819c95d2c85f6a09372156a8aef96576627a1ed9e57f194b008bb77e32ca29ac89505f933f060dda7ccd9ae00701046923b619a1b9c33c8e2acWscntfy.exepe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
17e05041730dcd0732e5b296db16d757b6c21c26aef75ad709f6c9cfa84bfa15b7ee709588382ce4bc3544a04bceb661f3301405d8ad5b160747241d6b2a8d88bf6292e8pe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
1ed72c14c4aab3b66e830e16ef90b37beebff21def49af4e85c26523af2ad659125a07a09db50ac06bd3746483c89f9ddc0d0a34f107d140d9e47582e17a7fec945403eacoal.exepe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
e24a62d9826869bc4817366800a8805cc407c3dde18c9b56ed24492ca257d77a570616074356b8c7854a080823f7ee1753791c9e7c41931a6becb999fee4eb7daf9b1a11data01.binpe dllCalypso RAT Dropper
c9c39045fa14e94618dd631044053824ab39301d45045172ad41c9a89210fdc6f0d3f9dccb567fd733b0dbffbfcfbcc31cda28bc307c09508dbb1f3495a967bbcc29326epe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
69322703b8ef9d490a20033684c28493e6a3b43acdaa824f3280095b10798ea341839f7d43f0460df8989f13c98fa6e0f203680d97705d99f92fe9797691be6177f5fd41RasCon.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Dropper
85ce60b365edf4beebbdd85cc971e84d5dfdee5dd680948d19ab4d16df534cf10aca5fa0b157c59659d6517fe897c62fd9c14f7b6de8e26ae33e41a72ae8e35bb1af4434pe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
6347e42f49a86aff2dea7c8bf455a52a281583aca23f8fd8745dd88a600cbfc578d819859a13957ec022b86c3c1c99f48b2a81af85590e0e36efc1c05aa4f0600ea21545HIDMgr.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Dropper
cb914fc73c67b325f948dd1bf97f57330031c7b63c1e1cd36d55f585d97e2b21a13a19858d5a1aa5455e5cc64b41e6e937ce4d0a3168e3b2f80b3fae38082e68a454aee0pe exeCalypso RAT Dropper
c84df4b2cd0d3e7729210f15112da7ac4e8351ddaff18f7df6fcc27a3c75598e0c56d3b406818d45effb4e78616092c241a0c5a1aad36f405c8755613c732591e3300f97mscorsvw.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Dropper
5199ef9d086c97732d97eddef56591ec511683c8ee62478c2b45be1f782ce678bbe03c4349a1778651414803010b3ee9d19a786adc09dff84642f2c2e0386193fa2a914bdnscache.dllpe dllFlyingDutchman
617d588eccd942f243ffa8cb13679d9c0664b09a86ec2df7dfe01a93e184a1fa23df66ea82cab39000944e418ec1f7b21b043fdcb582ed13cbf7dabcef6527762b5be93cpe dllHussar
2807236c2d905a0675878e530ed8b1f8314e438198f8cc2ee393c75f8e9f2ebd2b5133fd6f2b7deb1178f82782fc63302f6fe857632a67e87f4f3631bfa93713ccdf168aAeLookupMgr.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Payload
cce8c8ee42feaed68e9623185c3f7fe438cc404437b936660066b71cc87a28af1995248d6d4c471706eb1dd347129b4b9d2235c911b86bb6ad55d953a2f56ea78c5478e5AppCert.dll.crtCalypso RAT Payload
e1a578a069b1910a25c95e2d9450c710413622ded5d344a5a78de4fea22cfdabdeb4cdccf69e9a1f58f668096c32473836087a5b0809dc3f9dc5a77355a88e99af491a88RasCfgMan.dll.crtCalypso RAT Payload
0d532484193b8b098d7eb14319cefcd3f8043d6bfc3e63d8561f7f74e65cb7ff1731577ecf6c7559795d9de21298f0fc31f4c6dc6ce78b4e0439b30c830dfd5d9a3fc4feRasCfgMan.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Payload
974298eb7e2adfa019cae4d1a927ab070461710e681fd6dc9f1c83b57f94a88cd6df9e6432174cbfdd70dfd24577a0f841bc37679ce3caeecc176d10b4f8259918e25807VirtualUMP.dll.crtCalypso RAT Payload
05f472a9d926f4c8a0a372e1a71939988017923cd8169bf951106f053408b425f1eb310a9421685638ead55bb3823db38d909bd3450ebe0cffd0cb17b91bc28d23ef5083EFSProvider.dll.crtCalypso RAT Payload
d1a1166bec950c75b65fdc7361dcdc63f3f38c097b0cc5337b7d2dbec098bf6d0a3bb4a3e0336e7b1c8af75268a0a49d5731350f68a74fb4762c4ea878ecff635588a825RasCon.dllpe dll 64bits assemblyCalypso RAT Payload
e3e61f30f8a39cd7aa25149d0f8af5efc4dc7519bccc24c53794bf9178e4a4d0823875c34479d01cedbb3e9b10f5c7301b75ea494c3ac171c5177bdcc263b89a3f24f207MPSSVC.dllpe dllCalypso RAT Payload
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HiddenWasp Linux Malware Backdoor Samples

Here are Hidden Wasp Linux backdoor samples. 



Intezer HiddenWasp Malware Stings Targeted Linux Systems 


File informatio




 elf shared-lib

64bits elf shared-lib



tar-bundle gzip contains-elf

 tar-bundle gzip

64bits elf 

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Hacktivity 2018 Badge - Quick Start Guide For Beginners

You either landed on this blog post because 
  • you are a huge fan of Hacktivity
  • you bought this badge around a year ago
  • you are just interested in hacker conference badge hacking. 
or maybe all of the above. Whatever the reasons, this guide should be helpful for those who never had any real-life experience with these little gadgets. 
But first things first, here is a list what you need for hacking the badge:
  • a computer with USB port and macOS, Linux or Windows. You can use other OS as well, but this guide covers these
  • USB mini cable to connect the badge to the computer
  • the Hacktivity badge from 2018
By default, this is how your badge looks like.

Let's get started

Luckily, you don't need any soldering skills for the first steps. Just connect the USB mini port to the bottom left connector on the badge, connect the other part of the USB cable to your computer, and within some seconds you will be able to see that the lights on your badge are blinking. So far so good. 

Now, depending on which OS you use, you should choose your destiny here.


The best source of information about a new device being connected is
# dmesg

The tail of the output should look like
[267300.206966] usb 2-2.2: new full-speed USB device number 14 using uhci_hcd
[267300.326484] usb 2-2.2: New USB device found, idVendor=0403, idProduct=6001
[267300.326486] usb 2-2.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[267300.326487] usb 2-2.2: Product: FT232R USB UART
[267300.326488] usb 2-2.2: Manufacturer: FTDI
[267300.326489] usb 2-2.2: SerialNumber: AC01U4XN
[267300.558684] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic
[267300.558692] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for generic
[267300.639673] usbcore: registered new interface driver ftdi_sio
[267300.639684] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for FTDI USB Serial Device
[267300.639713] ftdi_sio 2-2.2:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected
[267300.639741] usb 2-2.2: Detected FT232RL
[267300.643235] usb 2-2.2: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0

Dmesg is pretty kind to us, as it even notifies us that the device is now attached to ttyUSB0. 

From now on, connecting to the device is exactly the same as it is in the macOS section, so please find the "Linux users, read it from here" section below. 


There are multiple commands you can type into Terminal to get an idea about what you are looking at. One command is:
# ioreg -p IOUSB -w0 -l

With this command, you should get output similar to this:

+-o FT232R USB UART@14100000  <class AppleUSBDevice, id 0x100005465, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (712 ms), retain 20>
    |   {
    |     "sessionID" = 71217335583342
    |     "iManufacturer" = 1
    |     "bNumConfigurations" = 1
    |     "idProduct" = 24577
    |     "bcdDevice" = 1536
    |     "Bus Power Available" = 250
    |     "USB Address" = 2
    |     "bMaxPacketSize0" = 8
    |     "iProduct" = 2
    |     "iSerialNumber" = 3
    |     "bDeviceClass" = 0
    |     "Built-In" = No
    |     "locationID" = 336592896
    |     "bDeviceSubClass" = 0
    |     "bcdUSB" = 512
    |     "USB Product Name" = "FT232R USB UART"
    |     "PortNum" = 1
    |     "non-removable" = "no"
    |     "IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"9dc7b780-9ec0-11d4-a54f-000a27052861"="IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBLib.bundle"}
    |     "bDeviceProtocol" = 0
    |     "IOUserClientClass" = "IOUSBDeviceUserClientV2"
    |     "IOPowerManagement" = {"DevicePowerState"=0,"CurrentPowerState"=3,"CapabilityFlags"=65536,"MaxPowerState"=4,"DriverPowerState"=3}
    |     "kUSBCurrentConfiguration" = 1
    |     "Device Speed" = 1
    |     "USB Vendor Name" = "FTDI"
    |     "idVendor" = 1027
    |     "IOGeneralInterest" = "IOCommand is not serializable"
    |     "USB Serial Number" = "AC01U4XN"
    |     "IOClassNameOverride" = "IOUSBDevice"
    |   } 
The most important information you get is the USB serial number - AC01U4XN in my case.
Another way to get this information is
# system_profiler SPUSBDataType

which will give back something similar to:

          Product ID: 0x6001
          Vendor ID: 0x0403  (Future Technology Devices International Limited)
          Version: 6.00
          Serial Number: AC01U4XN
          Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
          Manufacturer: FTDI
          Location ID: 0x14100000 / 2
          Current Available (mA): 500
          Current Required (mA): 90
          Extra Operating Current (mA): 0

The serial number you got is the same.

What you are trying to achieve here is to connect to the device, but in order to connect to it, you have to know where the device in the /dev folder is mapped to. A quick and dirty solution is to list all devices under /dev when the device is disconnected, once when it is connected, and diff the outputs. For example, the following should do the job:

ls -lha /dev/tty* > plugged.txt
ls -lha /dev/tty* > np.txt
vimdiff plugged.txt np.txt

The result should be obvious, /dev/tty.usbserial-AC01U4XN is the new device in case macOS. In the case of Linux, it was /dev/ttyUSB0.

Linux users, read it from here. macOS users, please continue reading

Now you can use either the built-in screen command or minicom to get data out from the badge. Usually, you need three information in order to communicate with a badge. Path on /dev (you already got that), speed in baud, and the async config parameters. Either you can guess the speed or you can Google that for the specific device. Standard baud rates include 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 128000 and 256000 bits per second. I usually found 1200, 9600 and 115200 a common choice, but that is just me.
Regarding the async config parameters, the default is that 8 bits are used, there is no parity bit, and 1 stop bit is used. The short abbreviation for this is 8n1. In the next example, you will use the screen command. By default, it uses 8n1, but it is called cs8 to confuse the beginners.

If you type:
# screen /dev/tty.usbserial-AC01U4XN 9600
# screen /dev/ttyUSB0 9600
and wait for minutes and nothing happens, it is because the badge already tried to communicate via the USB port, but no-one was listening there. Disconnect the badge from the computer, connect again, and type the screen command above to connect. If you are quick enough you can see that the amber LED will stop blinking and your screen command is greeted with some interesting information. By quick enough I mean ˜90 seconds, as it takes the device 1.5 minutes to boot the OS and the CTF app.


When you connect the device to Windows, you will be greeted with a pop-up.

Just click on the popup and you will see the COM port number the device is connected to:

In this case, it is connected to COM3. So let's fire up our favorite putty.exe, select Serial, choose COM3, add speed 9600, and you are ready to go!

You might check the end of the macOS section in case you can't see anything. Timing is everything.


Welcome to the Hacktivity 2018 badge challenge!

This challenge consists of several tasks with one or more levels of
difficulty. They are all connected in some way or another to HW RE
and there's no competition, the whole purpose is to learn things.

Note: we recommend turning on local echo in your terminal!
Also, feel free to ask for hints at the Hackcenter!

Choose your destiny below:

1. Visual HW debugging
2. Reverse engineering
3. RF hacking
4. Crypto protection

Enter the number of the challenge you're interested in and press [
Excellent, now you are ready to hack this! In case you are lost in controlling the screen command, go to

I will not spoil any fun in giving out the challenge solutions here. It is still your task to find solutions for these.

But here is a catch. You can get a root shell on the device. And it is pretty straightforward. Just carefully remove the Omega shield from the badge. Now you see two jumpers; by default, these are connected together as UART1. As seen below.

But what happens if you move these jumpers to UART0? Guess what, you can get a root shell! This is what I call privilege escalation on the HW level :) But first, let's connect the Omega shield back. Also, for added fun, this new interface speaks on 115200 baud, so you should change your screen parameters to 115200. Also, the new interface has a different ID under /dev, but I am sure you can figure this out from now on.

If you connect to the device during boot time, you can see a lot of exciting debug information about the device. And after it boots, you just get a root prompt. Woohoo! 
But what can you do with this root access? Well, for starters, how about running 
# strings hello | less

From now on, you are on your own to hack this badge. Happy hacking.
Big thanks to Attila Marosi-Bauer and Hackerspace Budapest for developing this badge and the contests.

PS: In case you want to use the radio functionality of the badge, see below how you should solder the parts to it. By default, you can process slow speed radio frequency signals on GPIO19. But for higher transfer speeds, you should wire the RF module DATA OUT pin with the RX1 free together.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How To Hack Any Whatsapp Account In 2020

The article will also be broken down into different subtopics and subcategories. This to make it easy for those who are just interested in skimming through the article to pick the part of WhatsApp hack they are most interested in. Just incase you don't have enough time to go through the entire article.

Search queries like these are a common place; Can WhatsApp be hacked? Can you read WhatsApp messages? How safe is the most popular trade fair in the world? This article gives you all the solution you need to hack any WhatsApp account, as well as how to protect yourself from a WhatsApp hack attack.

Although the messenger is now on an end-to-end encryption, WhatsApp is still not totally safe from espionage. WhatsApp chats and messages can still be accessed and read remotely, and old &deleted WhatsApp chats and messages retrieved.

WhatsApp Spy: Hack WhatsApp Chats and Messages

A very simple solution is to use a software that can hack WhatsApp remotely. All manufacturers offer to read the WhatsApp messages an extra web portal. In addition to the Whatsapp messages but can also spy on other messengers. So you can also have access to social media accounts.

The software may only be installed on a smartphone. If the user of the smartphone has been informed about the installation and effects.

WhatsApp Hacker: 3 Steps to Hack WhatsApp in 2020

You can hack Whatsapp using a second cell phone. No extra SIM card is necessary for this. The guide also works with a tablet. With this method, the other phone only needs to clone WhatsApp messages is internet connection.

The trick to hack Whatsapp successfully is not a software bug. It's the way WhatsApp has developed the setup wizard. Since there are no user accounts with passwords and you log in via the mobile number, here lies the vulnerability. But you can also protect yourself from the Whatsapp hack.

Hack WhatsApp Chat with the Best WhatsApp Hacking Tool

To read Whatsapp messages, the mobile phone number of the target must be known. The cell phone can remain locked. There is no need to install software to hack and read Whatsapp messages. Even with the PIN or fingerprint, the Whatsapp account can be hacked.

STEP 1: Create a New WhatsApp Account

To hack an account from Whatsapp, the app from the App Store must be installed on the second cell phone. After the installation of Whatsapp, target's phone number is entered. A confirmation request must be waited until access to the smartphone of the victim exists.

STEP 2: WhatsApp Account Confirmation

The confirmation of the Whatsapp account is the actual security risk of the messenger. Whatsapp usually confirms the registration via SMS. Occasionally the confirmation will also be sent by automated phone call via a phone call.

Calls and text messages can be read and taken by anyone even when the screen is locked. So that the WhatsApp hack does not stand out, the SMS must be removed from the start screen by swiping.

STEP 3: Enter Confirmation

The stolen verification PIN is now entered on the second smartphone. As a result, the WhatsApp account has been taken over by you. You can read the WhatsApp messages, which respond to this mobile phone number.

The downside to this trick is that the victim immediately notices the Whatsapp hack as soon as Whatsapp is opened. If the victim goes through the sign-in process again. The attacker loses access to the messages and no Whatsapp messages can be read.

How to Hack Someone's WhatsApp in 2020

A good way to hack a WhatsApp account is to hack whatsapp online. Here you can read WhatsApp messages via a browser and also write. The target user can continue to use his cell phone (works for iOS, Android phone etc) and does not notice the WhatsApp hack.

STEP 1: Access the Cell Phone

In order to be able to read WhatsApp messages by installing software. Access to the unlocked smartphone is required for a short time. In addition, cell phone, a computer or laptop is necessary. On this the Whatsapp messages will be read later.

STEP 2: Access WhatsApp Web

If you have access to the unlocked smartphone, Whatsapp must be started there. The Whatsapp settings include Whatsapp Web . If this is selected, Whatsapp opens a QR code scanner with the hint to open WhatsApp Web in the browser.

If the QR code is scanned in the browser with the smartphone. There is a permanent connection and Whatsapp messages can be read. If you want to hack Whatsapp in this way. You have full access to all incoming messages and you can even write messages yourself.

STEP 3: Read WhatsApp Messages

The target usually sees this Whatsapp hack only when the settings are invoked to Whatsapp Web in the app. Whatsapp messages can be read via the browser. Regardless of whether the smartphone is on home Wi-Fi or on the move. You can also hack group chats admin by just having any of the contact details.

WhatsApp Hack: How to Hack any WhatsApp account

Which is the most popular messaging app globally? Of course, you can use different apps from Android or iOS to send and receive messages. But Whatsapp remains everyone's favorite globally!

Whatsapp is one of the popular apps in the world. There are more than 2 billion active users on Whatsapp, messaging daily with the app. Why do people love WhatsApp? Whatsapp is very convenient and easy to use.

Other messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, still needs a special account to sign up for this app. If you change a new app, you'll need to add another account. This can be stressful, as you have to remember a lot of new passwords and usernames.


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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Top 15 Best Operating System Professional Hackers Use

Top 10 Best Operating System Professional Hackers Use

Top 15 Best Operating System Professional Hackers Use

Top 15 Best Operating System Professional Hackers Use

A hacker is someone who seeks and exploits the weaknesses of a computer system or network computing. Hackers may be motivated by a multitude of reasons, such as profit, protest, challenge, enjoyment or to assess these weaknesses to help in removing them.
The listed operating systems are based on the Linux kernel so it is all free operating systems.

1. Kali Linux

Kali Linux maintained and funded by Offensive Security Ltd. and it is first on our list. Kali Linux is a Debian-derived Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It was developed by Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns of Offensive Security through rewriting BackTrack, its previous forensics Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. Kali Linux has a specific project for the withdrawal of compatibility and portability of Android-specific devices, called Kali Linux NetHunter. It is the first open test platform penetration Source for Nexus Android devices, created as a joint effort between the member of the Kali "BinkyBear" Security and offensive community. It supports Wireless 802.11 frame injection, one-click configurations MANA Evil access point, keyboard HID (Teensy as attacks), as well as attacks MITM USB Mala.

2. Back Box

Back Box is an evaluation penetration testing Linux distribution and Ubuntu-based security aimed at providing an analysis of computer network systems and toolkit. Desktop environment back box includes a complete set of tools needed for ethical hacking and security testing.

3. Parrot Security OS

Parrot Security OS is a GNU / Linux distribution based on Debian. Fue built in order to perform penetration tests (safety information), vulnerability assessment and mitigation, Computer Forensics and Anonymous Surfing. Ha been developed by the team of Frozen box.
Parrot is based on the stable branch (Jessie) of Debian, a Linux 4.1 kernel hardened customized with a branch grsecurity patched available. The desktop environment is MATE fork of Gnome 2, and the default display manager is LightDM. The project is certified to run on machines with 265MB of RAM minimum follow and it is suitable for both 32-bit (i386) and 64-bit (amd64), with a special edition that works on 32-bit machines of age (486). Moreover, the project is available for Armel and armhf architectures. It even offers an edition (both 32 bit and 64 bit) developed for servers only for pen testing cloud.

4. Live Hacking OS

Live Hacking OS is a Linux distribution packed with tools and utilities for ethical hacking, penetration testing, and countermeasure verification. It includes embedded GUI GNOME user. There is a second variation available which has only the command line and requires much fewer hardware requirements.

5. DEFT Linux

DEFT stands for Digital Evidence and Forensic Toolkit and it is a distribution of Linux open source software built around the DART (Toolkit for Advanced Response Digital) and is based on the Ubuntu operating system. It has been designed from scratch to offer some of the best computer forensics open source and incident response tools that can be used by individuals, IT auditors, investigators, military, and police.

6. Samurai Web Testing Framework

The Samurai Web Testing Framework is a live Linux environment which has been pre-configured to function as a web pen-testing environment. The CD contains the best of open source and free tools that focus on testing and websites that attack. In the development of this environment, it is based on our selection of tools that we use in our practice of security. Hence, it includes the tools that were used in the four steps of a pen-test web.

7. Network Security Toolkit

The Network Security Toolkit (NST) is a Live CD based on Linux that provides a set of security tools computing and open source network to carry out routine security tasks and diagnostic networks and tracing. The distribution can be used as an analysis of network security, validation and monitoring tool for servers hosting virtual machines. NST has management capabilities similar to Fedora packages and maintains its own repository of additional packages.

8. Bugtraq

Bugtraq is a mailing list dedicated to safety issues in computers. On-topic issues new discussions about vulnerabilities, security-related notices providers, operating methods, and how to fix them. This is a mailing list of large volume, and almost all new vulnerabilities are there. Bugtraq computer freaks and experienced developers are discussed, is available in Debian, Ubuntu and openSUSE 32 and 64-bit architectures.

9. NodeZero

NodeZero is an open source system based on the operating core derived from the most popular Linux distribution in the world, Ubuntu, and designed to be used for penetration testing operations. The distribution can be downloaded as an ISO image live DVD, which will also take place on computers that support both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x86_64) instruction set. Besides the fact that it allows you to start the live system, start menu contains several advanced features such as the ability to perform a diagnostic test of system memory, boot from local disk options, start the installer directly and to start in safe graphics mode, text mode or in debug mode.
Default graphical desktop environment NodeZero is powered by GNOME, which uses the classic GNOME interface. It has a design of two panels and uses the default software repositories of Ubuntu.

10. Pentoo

Pentoo is a Live CD and Live USB OS designed for penetration testing and security assessment. It is based on Gentoo Linux, Pentoo is offered both as 32-bit and 64-bit live cd which is installable. Pentoo is also available as a superposition of an existing Gentoo installation. It has conductors packet injection patched wifi, GPGPU cracking software, and plenty of tools for penetration testing and security assessment. The kernel includes Pentoo grsecurity and PAX hardening and additional patches with the binary compiled from a string of hardened with the latest nightly versions of some tools that are available.

#11 Live Hacking OS

Well, this Linux distro actually comes with some useful hacking tools which are often used in penetration testing or ethical hacking purpose. Live Hacking OS consists of the GNOME inbuilt. The operating system is really easy to operate and it can work on less RAM.

#12 Knoppix STD

This is another best Linux distro which focuses on tools for computer security. Knoppix STD brings some advanced tools for Password cracking, Firewalls, Network Utilities, Honeypots, Wireless Networking and more. This is one of the most used operating systems for Hackers.

#13 Cyborg Hawk

Cyborg Hawk is a new operating system which is based on Ubuntu Linux. Well, lots of hackers talk about Cyborg hawk and its one of the most powerful and cutting-edge penetration testing distribution that has ever been created. The operating system houses more than 700 tools for different purposes.

#14 Blackbuntu

Well, this is another operating system which is based on Linux and it was specially developed for penetration testing. Well, the operating system is very famous amongst hackers and it offers an awesome platform to learn Information security.

#15 Weakerth4n

Well, this is another best operating system which is used by professional hackers. WeakerTh4n actually comes with lots of hacking tools and it's actually a modern operating system for WiFi Hacking. Some of the wireless tools include SQL Hacking, Password Cracking, WiFi attacks, Cisco exploitation and more.

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