Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gauteng on Line Alive and Kicking in our School (Rust-Ter-Vaal Combined School)

I am very ecouraged grateful towards the Gauteng Department of Education for finally linking our school to the world (Internet Conectivity) and bringing Computer Literacy primarily to our Learners, Educators and the Community at large. Our Principal (Mr. Singh), the Educators, the SGB, Parents and Learners have waited patiently for this eventuality. Today we are connected to the World Wide Web. Our Learner, Educators and Community will now be able to communicate with each other and the rest of the World. Thanks to our Education Department, our Principal, his Deputies Mr. Lewaak and Mr. van Koller and our SGB (under Mr. van Wyk)  for making it possible for our community to make this greatest leap in brigding the technological devide (ITC). We therefore call upon our community to buy into this venture and making sure that it becomes sustainable and help their kids become better citizens.
Kowledge is Power! Viva Rust-Ter-Vaal Viva !!!

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